Homeopathy works on a dynamic or energetic level. Hahnemann used the term "vital force" to describe the spirit–like energy force that maintains the life of the individual. Without the vital force, the body dies. When the vital force is in a state of balance, health exists. A cat (or any living creature) with a strong vital force (not to be confused with immune system because they are two different things) will be able to withstand exposure to certain disease stimulants with little disruption. One with a weak vital force, however, will be pushed to a state of imbalance with the slightest provocation. http://www.blakkatz.com/homeopathy.html
Susceptibility is the key here: Exposure becomes a problem when there is an unhealthy individual who is susceptible, or their repeated exposure becomes too excessive for their immune system to fend off. But, believing exposure was the cause is ludicrous. If we believe exposure is the cause then according to the news we should have all died from the highly resistant specialized flu’s coming out of Asia, many times over by now. (How many times today were we already exposed to viruses or bacteria? Every time we eat? Every breath we take? Every time we touch our eyes, etc.? Did all those exposures make us sick? Of course, not. Our immune systems handle our exposure and even becomes stronger with exposure and rest.) Exposure plays a fairly minor part in illness. By believing exposure is what causes us to be ill, we set ourselves up to be victims with no responsibility or capability to heal, develop resistance, and increase vitality. The belief of exposure as cause to our ailments to our society has become more devastating and life debilitating then any flu virus. (Homeopathic definition)
There has been a lot of chatter of fear and panic surrounding the Swine flu. The above quotes from Homeopathic theory show the dangers of developing a narrow and fear based approach to illness. As I saw a couple of posts reminding people to wash hands well, not to go to public places etc., (linking disease to only one variable of exposure) it seems that focus on this information solely may be slightly misguiding to the public approach of health and true healing. This approach in isolation absolves one of their deeper personal responsibility for their physical hishtadlut/ effort (strengthening internal factors of health) and from spiritual hishtadlut/effort of (prayer, self work, and emunah strengthening). I have experienced that these approaches when practiced with a balanced depth will truly strengthen the vital force.
I had my own opportunity to struggle with these concepts as my 3 year old daughter had a serious virus last week (it could have been the Swine flu for all we know) with 4 days of high fever and other flu like symptoms. Because Swine flu was all over the news I became a little caught up in the "fearful wave" and like the rest of the world began "googling" the symptoms of swine flu. Though I also did my physical hishtadlut sponging, teas, massage, etc. which helped a little, the anxiety was still present. The more I fought this by staying on the computer, googling every treatment option, attempting to control the healing process, the more I was pulled very far out of my state of center. What I needed to do was to trust that I was doing the most I could and then turn towards my spiritual efforts for the rest.
With the distractions gone I could hear my internal voice which said
Do Not Worry, and that the fever would drop in the evening. It did. Also while listening I could get a vague insight of something Hashem might be teaching me through my daughter's illness and how to focus my prayers. The following day I was filled with such a deep sense of inner peace, that some deep work had been completed.
The message for Am Yisrael? to remember that every illness and especially this illness is a wake up call and an opportunity for deep internal work leading towards more emunah. If the Swine Flu was arousing fear within us, perhaps fear and true emunah is an area we need to strengthen, to make our "vital force" so strong that no invaders whether physical or mental can penetrate. . Perhaps Hashem is saying use this information as a practice run, an opportunity to know our vulnerabilities, to see where our spiritual armor (created by emunah) may have some big holes in it. If we are panicked now, how will we be chas ve shalom if we are threatened with something worse like a nuke? Yes we need to watch and be aware of whatever signs and "plagues" Hashem may be sending to the world, and do our physical hishtadlut (washing hands, sleeping, eating well, etc) without getting fixated on the fear and neglecting our Spiritual Hishtadlut which may be the real test of the illness.
Iyar is the acronym for Ani Hashem Rofecha. One can see the Swine flu as a Chesed in the range of wake up calls (as of yet not too many deaths) We should keep in mind that this was the same period of time that Rabbi Akiva's students contracted the plague and died. (By the way the Sephardic Chief Rabbi declared Thursday a guarding speech and fast day). Thank G-d they are recognizing the depth of our true OPPORTUNITIES for healing .
"It is everyone's duty to examine his conduct... and to return to God with all his heart and to engage in the study of the Torah... and God will then pardon us."
Fast and pray against swine flu: Israeli rabbi
Times of India
Jerusalem – Israel's chief Sephardi rabbi on Monday called on Jews to observe a day of fasting and prayer to battle the swine flu which has
reached the Jewish state.
"We urge everyone who is able to take it upon himself to fast on Thursday... and make many prayers and supplications that day," chief rabbi Shlomo Amar wrote in a letter.
"It is everyone's duty to examine his conduct... and to return to God with all his heart and to engage in the study of the Torah... and God will then pardon us."
Referring to the Talmud book of Jewish teachings, Amar quoted a rabbi who when told that "there is a plague among the pigs, immediately ordered a fast on the public because the bowels and digestive system of pigs are similar to those of men."
Israel, which confirmed on Sunday a fourth case of swine flu, has imposed strict controls at airports and border crossings to monitor travellers returning from Mexico in an effort to prevent further infections.