Friday night Nov 16th (Jerusalem)- Right after lighting candles I started singing the song Hu Yigal Otanu...which was strange as I usually start to sing the same shabbat niggun every week. The siren sounded a couple of minutes later....I was with my 3 kids and two other holy women. We went into the safe room, held hands, davened, and danced. I felt so much light. We spoke after that the scence felt like we had just crossed the Yam Suf. For the rest of Shabbat I felt so much light and protection from Ha Kadosh baruch Hu. This was in direct contrast to the almost panic attack I had as we were about to take in Shabbat, going on my 2nd full week without my husband here and I could not remember how to set up the plata. The light of Shabbat was a huge matana and strength that I hope I will be able to carry into the week.
Sat Night- Saw the post to learn tehillim 83, which was the same tehillim I had opened up spontaneously when I asked Hashem to show me what tehillim to say.
Sunday- Too much media watching is not helpful to keep a state of emunah strong. Lets go back to Shabbat!!! I decided bli neder to start learning more hilchot brachot in addition to daily tehillim for the war. Less news more Torah!!!!
Monday morning- Saw a husband in uniform dropping off his daughter in my son's gan. Out of 8 kids only, there are definitely a few soldiers in the group. I gave him a bracha and took his name to daven for and then saw the post that Shirat Devora put up about the Shmira Project. Please Am Yisrael pass this on to as MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE!!!!! This project is crucial as we are Am Echad and Lev Echad. Each ones teshuvah supports the whole nation. I personally am going to learn hilchot brachot daily bli neder on behalf of the soldiers in my sons gan.
Hello Darkness My Old Friend
6 hours ago