Saturday, February 28, 2009

Raining down blessings

I have found myself saying baruch Hashem (thank g-d) so many times during the last few rains.
After our severe drought situation in the holy land one really feels Hashems love and compassion descending.

I look at the rainfall with much more gratitude after hearing Rabbi Lazer Brody's words connecting our drought to not thanking Hashem for the miracles during the war.

The Zohar tells us that relating Hashem's miracles is so powerful that when we do so, He summons the entire heavenly assembly to come hear us speak about them.

Last Shabbat as we all sat around the Shabbat table saying Amen to eachothers blessings for thunder and lighting excitement filled the air. (Though I have been religious for a while I could not believe this was the first time I had ever said these).

In addition we are are taught that there are 3 times Hashem does not send an intermediary to do the act 1. childbirth 2. resurrection of the dead 3. Bringing rain.

May we be blessed to recognize Hashems divine intervention always.

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