Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hashem is always rocking us- 17th of Tammuz

The passuk in Zechariah says כה אמר השם צבקות צום הרביעי וצום החמישי וצום השביעי וצום העשירי יהיה לבית יהודה לששון ולשמחה - the fast of the fourth month (Tammuz) and the fast of the fifth month (Av) and the fast of the seventh month (Tishrei) and the fast of the tenth month (teves) will be for the house of Yehuda for joy and gladness.

The classic question that is asked is that we understand that they will be days that are no longer sad, but why will they be joyous?

The answer is that these days are only sad because they represent opportunities lost. The 17th of Tammuz would have been the day of the consummation of our relationship with Hashem if we had not sinned with the Golden calf. But this does not mean that the potential for that relationship was completely lost. This day still holds within it that very light that did not end up being revealed. This day is still the fortieth day from Shavuos, and still represents the relationship that will one day indeed be made complete with the advent of Moshiach. Thus this day will be a day of incredible joy and gladness.

At the Kotel last night...I felt Hashem's presence so soft and peaceful rocking me and the Jewish people. Earlier in the evening at an event of women I learned from a speaker a Rav, a kabbalist that the schechina (the feminine aspect of Hashem that is with us in the world) is still with us at the Kotel, it is just in contracted state (due to the state of the Jewish people). It was special to experience this on a body level..that despite the state we are in Hashem is always holding us and rocking us and that we retain this connection to Hashem like a bride beloved to her groom. It is as if our groom is sending us love letters before we get married (or I guess re-married in this metaphor). I want to bless all Am Yisrael on this day of 17th of Tammuz that the full expanded reunion of bride and groom will occur soon- bmheira byameinu.

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