Am Yisrael, I want to be witness to your manifestation. To witness you go beyond your limitations. You are a people that is Free to Choose- You can be righteous and holy. It is your birthright. Know that this is the Chelek of Am Yisrael-To Come to Know My Name and to represent My Name to the World at large. I will guide you through this. Don't be afraid to be the righteous ones that stand out (kshoshana ben HaHochim). It is my servants who hold up the entire world eternally. I love you so much Am Yisrael and only desire your Good. I desire your righteousness as a representative of Me in the world so the nations will know who to look to for leadership. Practical advice- Do mitzvot with all your heart. Don't let any opportunity for a mitzvah escape. Do everything with all of your intent and koach. Make blessings with kavod- slowly precisely. Unite yourself to Me with every bite of food. Don't ingest food like animals and forget about who gave you this food at every second. Remember me continually, especially when you sit down to eat. Eat with the intention of transforming and elevating the food chain. Have kavanah (intention) where did this food come from, who created and creates it continually- remind yourself of this opporunity to radiate holiness to the world with Every Act of Eating. Fill every bite with gratitude! Each act is a rectification! Know that for this you were created to be a holy people and a shining light light in the world, to rectify it back to its pure state.
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