My beloved people there is No More Time to Waste! Let My presence be with you to guide you. Return home to me. Do not wander any more like lost children. Come into my land into my providence. The land will bear fruit. Don't be afraid! Leave what you have behind and come to the land of providence. I will hold you here. You will never be alone. You will not be forsaken ever in the land of your Avot. You need to learn how to listen to Me, not to close your ears and ignore what is already planted in your hearts. There will be no better time than Now! Do not be one who separates himself from the nation-especially in a time of need. Pack your bags and Do Not Look Back. Lech Lecha. The time has arrived. Do not be scared. How much more can I let you know this!!! Please do not close your ears. I will take care of the details. You just need to Trust Me. For many of you in the nation Trust in Me needs to be brought to a more complete level. See your self living out your dream. It is only impossible if you make it as such. Bring everyone with you. Your people are waiting for you to come home. There is no more time left. Hear my Words!!!
Practical Advice: Don't wait until your money runs out in Galut. Come into the good land now with openness of heart. Why wait any longer and live in the lands where the shechina is no longer abiding. Her people are crying out for her to return to the land. A Jew needs to return, daily, hourly, on a minute basis to Hashem. Every moment can be used as a kiddush Hashem. Live as a Jew. desire what a Jew should desire. Don't pride yourself on living the values of the nations. They are not eternal or connected to bringing you closer to me. In fact the opposite will only be true. Don't desire that which is foreign to our soul. A Jew will only need to purge himself later from this later on. Know that a Jew has a task to remain pure of heart, soul and mind. Go within- listen for yourself! Hashem will guide you to this truth. Ask Hashem to show you the way. Ask for reinforcements of truth. Listen to what Hashem is showing you. If your heart is open you will always receive. If you Listen to Hashem's truth you will not err, but will be guided in blessing.
Hello Darkness My Old Friend
10 hours ago